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Person from Madrid, Daniel Acebes, began in the world of the interpretation with 15 years in productions of classic Greco-Roman theatre. Licensed in right he is formed in different schools and teachers, including formation músical in the school " The orchestra " with javier Bastias as teacher, courses of cinema in the school Nic or with the different directors of casting (Carmen Utrilla, Andrés Cuenca etc.).

It develops great part of his career in the theatre taking part in productions as "Fuenteovejuna" dir. for Laurence Boswell, "Enry VIII" of Shakespeare in the Globe theatre to london, the comedy músical "Flies" of Juanfran Viruega or " The beautiful ugly one " of Lope de Vega, with which it takes part in festivals since Almagro, at the expense of Diagoras Produccions, company that it forms already 9 years ago.


From the foundation of his company he arranges so much out of her like as inside his actor's labor and production in works as " The legend of the shelf " infantile in tour and represented in the theatre Pompella in the great route, " where will dreams go when we do not obtain them? " Represented in Venezuela or " The Procuress " between others.

In the audio-visual field it has taken part as comedian for Paramount comedy and nowadays it continues very I link to the world of the stand - up comedy. It has had appearances in chapters of series as " Personal motives " for tele5 or " My adorable neighbors " in antena3. It has taken part in different shorts and pop videos, this way since showman has informed  in " Madcap club " in autonomous television and presenting different shows, events etc.

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